Synthetic Grass Installations For Commercial Properties

When installing high-quality artificial grass on commercial properties in Texas and Oklahoma, Tex-Turf is one of the best options. Our team of experienced turf experts has completed synthetic grass installations at businesses, schools, parks, athletic fields, and other regional commercial sites. We also handle residential fake turf projects. No job is too big or small for Tex-Turf.
Our artificial grass products are specially designed for heavy foot traffic and strict safety standards for commercial applications. We offer versatile turf options for any location, activity, and budget. With Tex-Turf, businesses can enjoy beautiful, durable, low-maintenance grass free of chemicals and mess.
Let’s see the many advantages of commercial artificial turf and how Tex-Turf can provide the perfect synthetic solution for your business or organization.
Artificial Turf Advantages for Businesses & Commercial Properties
Installing artificial turf at your business or commercial property offers many significant benefits compared to natural grass, including:
Low Maintenance Costs
One of the most significant advantages of artificial turf for commercial applications is dramatically reduced maintenance costs and labor.
Natural grass requires regular mowing, irrigating, fertilizing, aerating, weed control, and more. Synthetic turf needs none of that. There are no lawnmowers to fuel and maintain, no sprinklers to run, and no chemicals to apply.
The only required maintenance is occasional cleaning to remove debris. Going with artificial grass saves commercial properties thousands in annual landscaping costs.
Environmentally Friendly
Artificial turf is also a better, greener alternative (no pun intended) than natural grass. It conserves millions of gallons of water yearly compared to irrigating and maintaining a live lawn. Synthetic grass requires no pesticides, weed killers, or fertilizers that can pollute groundwater and runoff.
The durable fake grass materials are also recycled and reusable. Artificial turf is an excellent solution for businesses wanting to reduce their environmental impact.
Aesthetically Pleasing All Year Round
Synthetic turf maintains a perfectly lush, green, and healthy look 12 months a year, regardless of weather or season. There are no ugly brown spots from drought or mud patches from heavy rain.
The artificial blades of grass stand tall and uniform for years without the need for mowing or trimming. Artificial grass is an ideal choice for commercial properties wanting attractive curb appeal and a pristine landscape.
Long Lasting
Today’s high-tech synthetic turfs are designed for heavy activity and traffic. The materials are highly durable and resistant to UV rays, pets, and vandalism. Quality artificial grass can last 15 to 20 because the quality of the turf before needing replacement.
That’s a longer usable lifespan than natural grass under commercial use conditions. The turf’s durability and longevity make it a sound long-term investment for businesses.
Versatile in Design
One great benefit of artificial turf is the freedom to get creative with shapes, textures, and designs not possible with living grass. Synthetic lawns can be custom-cut and installed in unique patterns, corporate logos, and multi-color schemes.
Things like putting greens, bocce ball courts, and outdoor recreation areas can be built right into the turf. There are endless landscaping possibilities to suit any commercial site.
Easy to Clean
Artificial grass blades do not absorb liquids like natural grass, so spills and pet messes remain on top for easy cleaning. The turf does not attract mud or soil and won’t stain or discolor over time.
Synthetic lawns stay looking clean and bright for years with minimal effort. This is a significant advantage for high-traffic public places like parks, schools, and municipal sites.
Choose Tex-Turf For Fake Turf Installation on Commercial Properties in Texas & Oklahoma
When installing high-quality synthetic grass on commercial properties and businesses in Texas and Oklahoma, choose Tex-Turf. We are the premier name in affordable, durable, safe artificial turf perfect for a wide range of commercial uses.
Versatile: All Kinds of Commercial Turf Installation
Tex-Turf handles all types of fake grass installation for commercial clients, including:
● Playgrounds
● Mini golf courses
● Daycares
● Athletic fields
● Storefront landscaping
● Gyms and fitness centers
● Corporate campuses
● Municipal sites like parks
● Custom logo or patterned turf
● Vertical faux green walls
Whether you need turf for high-traffic areas, recreation, curb appeal, or durability, we have the right artificial grass solution.
Safe: Our Turf Products are Non-Toxic & Lead-Free
Safety is a top priority when installing synthetic grass in areas used by children, pets, the public, and employees. That’s why Tex-Turf uses only the highest quality fake grass materials that are:
● Non-toxic
● Compliant with lead-free standards for children’s products
● Backed by industry safety certifications
You can trust our artificial turf is clean, safe, and healthy for any commercial application.
Affordability: Turf Starting at $6.95 Installed
Tex-Turf offers very affordable pricing for commercial artificial grass installation. Our bare synthetic turf starts at just $6.95 per square foot installed.
We also have premium turf options, logos, and custom designs to fit any budget. Your business will save thousands compared to the ongoing costs of natural grass maintenance.
Choose Tex-Turf for the best value on long-lasting, versatile artificial turf for your Texas or Oklahoma commercial property. Call (888) 976-7410 today for a free quote!