Tex Turf

Commercial Artificial Turf

You would like your business’s landscape to look clean and polished. A well-maintained lawn can make a positive impression on customers and clients and boost employee morale.

Call (888) 976-7410 to Schedule a Consultation Today!

Our Commercial Artificial Turf

The cost and labor involved in maintaining a lawn with live grass can make it difficult to earn profits. Commercial synthetic turf is great for saving time, money, and water. It can be used in various commercial settings, including playgrounds, pet shelters, or homeowner associations.

Tex Turf is a top-quality synthetic turf at a competitive price, making it a great choice for business owners.

Lower Operating Costs

Beautiful Curb Appeal, Year-round

Custom Solutions for Every Need

Save Time and Money

Artificial lawns can be used to reduce or eliminate expenses like landscape irrigation, seeding and fertilizing. They also save time and energy due to their minimal upkeep requirements.

Turf Products are Non-Toxic & Lead-Free

Being outside reduces stress levels and encourages an active lifestyle. According to Psychology Today, sunlight can affect serotonin levels which in turn can lead to a better mood. You will be more likely to spend your time outdoors if you make it look beautiful. Turf can give your yard some life. Perhaps a little green is all you need.

There are many faux lawn products that can be harmful to your health. The EPA and the Consumer Product Safety Commission are investigating some brands of turf infill made from crumb rubber. For long-term exposure, crumb could contain toxic chemicals. Some faux grass styles are made with lead which can be leaked into the ground and air. Faux turf is safe for children, adults, and pets. This includes all of our padding and cushioning as well as the turf that we offer.

Enjoy every inch of your yard. Contact us today!